Monday, July 7, 2014

Future of Distance Learning

In a literal sense, the future of distance learning does not exist. Distance learning drops the ‘distance’ part of its terminology and is replaced with self. With the increased abilities and access of technology worldwide, prior boundaries won’t exist. No longer is location, times, travel, limited information or personnel an issue. Information can be gathered instantly, from anywhere, at any time.

Self-learning through a web-based program, sometime in the future, will replace school systems. The web-based programs will be able to present certification of completion of requirements. Due to technology, the true human social interaction that schools provide is becoming a ghost in society, so why would brick-and-mortar schools need to exist? Currently, our college’s largest group of enrollment, over half of all enrollees, are strictly online students. I believe that even blended courses will begin to be phased out with online only learning while using Google Hangouts or Skype for instructor-student and student-student interaction.

I believe the future will involve more artificial intelligence and virtual worlds. The videos mention a semantic web system where computers think as if humans. With all of the advancements in the past, I wouldn’t try to argue the point too much. While I don’t agree that computers can think as if human, I’m convinced that research is and will be done to push toward that outcome. 

Friday, June 27, 2014

Media Activities

Media Activities

Voice Quality. Recording your voice gives you a chance to learn how your voice sounds to others and provides an opportunity for you to improve its effectiveness. Don’t be surprised if you fail to recognize your own voice.
Your task: Record yourself reading a newspaper or magazine article.
a. If you think your voice sounds a bit high, practice speaking slightly lower.
b. If your voice is low or expressionless, practice speaking slightly louder and with       more inflection.
c. Ask a colleague, teacher, or friend to provide feedback on your pronunciation, pitch, volume, rate, and professional tone.
Write a brief summary of your observation and post to appropriate discussion board.

YouTube: Critiquing a Satirical Clip Lampooning PowerPoint
Your task: Watch Don McMillan’s now famous YouTube video “Life After Death by PowerPoint 2010”. Which specific PowerPoint ills is McMillan satirizing? Which bad habits do the video parody that corresponds with design principles introduced in this chapter? Write a brief summary of the short clip and post to appropriate discussion board.

Using Social Media in the Job Search. One of the fastest-growing trends in employment is using social media sites during the job search.
Your task: Locate one social media site and set up an account. Explore the site to discover how job seeks can use it to search for a job and how employers can use it to find job candidates. Write a brief summary of your findings and post to appropriate discussion board.

Digging for Digital Dirt. Keeping a Low Profile Online. Before embarking on your job hunt, you may want to know what employers might find if they searched your personal life in cyber-space, specifically FaceBook, MySpace, Twitter, and so forth. Running your name through Google and other search engines, particularly enclosed in quotation marks to lower the number of hits, is usually the first step. Assembling a digital portrait of an applicant is easier than ever thanks to new spy-worthy Web sites such as ( that college information from a number of search engines, Web sites, and social networks. Self-titled “The Social White Pages,” not only looks for people’s profiles in social networks, but also compiles publicly available data found on services such as,, and so forth.
Your task: Use Google,, Bing, or Dogpile to search the Web for your full name, enclosed in quotation marks. In Google, don’t forget to run an image search at to find any photos of questionable taste. Write a brief summary on your general observations and results.

Role-Playing in an Interview Simulation. One of the best ways to understand interview dynamics and to develop confidence is to role-play the interview process.
Your task: Complete the interview simulation below. Upon completion, take a screenshot and post the results in the appropriate assignment link.


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Scoring Guides


Business Communication Scoring Guide


Possible Points

Your Score


Opening, closing




Strategy, organization




Completeness, accuracy




Tone, goodwill effect




Clarity, coherence




Fluency, written expression
(parallelism, sentence unity,
conciseness, etc.)




Overall effect, originality








Spelling, typo (–4)
Word Choice (–4)
Major error (comma slice,
  run-on, fragment, subject-
  verb agreement, etc.) (–6)
Minor error (–2)
Idiom, syntax, other errors (–2 to –6)



Bonus points




Total Points (50 possible)





Report Scoring Guide

  Report format

Illustrates correct format

Displays headings appropriately

Shows neat overall appearance                                             10 points _________

 Report content

            Achieves the purpose of the report

Contains sufficient data, supported by concrete detail

Includes relevant data

Shows evidence of sufficient research

Achieves overall effectiveness                                               20 points _________

 Report writing style

Shows good organization

Includes coherent and unified sentences and paragraphs

Uses transitions effectively

Attributes sources clearly and correctly                                 10 points _________
Grammar and mechanics

Uses appropriate grammar

Contains conventional spelling

Shows proper punctuation

Includes correct capitalization                                                10 points _________

Bonus points

Achieves exceptional merit                                                                    _________
TOTAL POINTS                                                                    50 points  _________


PowerPoint Scoring Guide

 You will be awarded 0 to 5 points for each of the following ten criteria with a total possible 50 points. Additional comments below each criterion may help you when preparing future PowerPoint presentations.

Introductory Slides

(attractive title, agenda, and presenter(s) introduction slides)                                              

Organizational Slides

(subagenda slides to keep presentation organized, easy to follow)                                      
Body Slides

(body slides well designed, attractive, easy to read; entire slide show has
a professional look and feel)                                                                                                  

Concluding Slides (attractive conclusion and Q&A slides)                                                  


(use of an attractive, professional, relevant template; good color scheme)                            

Graphics (use of appropriate, attractive, professional graphics)                                            

Animation (use of consistent animation for bullet points and slide objects)                              


(slide content worded to adequately represent text of presentation; use
of Rule of Seven; effective paraphrasing/elaboration of slides)                                               

Coordination (oral presentation in synch with slides)                                                             


(all slides carefully proofread; no spelling, grammatical, mechanical errors)                              

                                                                                    Grand Total                                          

Week 4
Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will:
1. Apply qualities of effective messages to all communications media.
2. Plan and compose written, oral, and electronic communications.
3. Apply principles of grammar, punctuation, and spelling in all business communications.
4. Edit business documents effectively using the principle of proofreading, both electronically and manually.
5. Use a variety of reference materials.
6. Use appropriate style to cite reference materials.
7. Use presentation software (PowerPoint) and present on a chosen topic

Proposed Modules Revised and Media: I have revised the module layout to align with the textbook. Rather than seven modules, there are now six modules and may be perceived as more achievable by the student; however, all of the same material is included. All assignments will be posted in BlackBoard with the student responding in Microsoft Word to the appropriate dropbox for each assignment. Written assignments will be graded based on the Business Communications, Report, or PowerPoint scoring guides, as appropriate. Module tests will be posted in BlackBoard using a pre-established test bank provided by Cengage Learning that will generate a random set of twenty-five questions for each user.

Module 1: Workplace Communication Today

Chapter 1 - Communication Skills as Career Filters
Complete Chapter Review Questions
Complete Selected Activities and Cases 1.3, 1.7, and 1.12
Complete Grammar/Mechanics Checkup
Complete Editing Challenge
Review PowerPoint Slides
Module 1 Test over Chapter 1

Module 2: The Business Writing Process

Chapter 2 – Planning Business Messages
Complete Chapter Review Questions
Complete Writing Improvement Exercises
Complete Selecting Communication Channels
Complete Grammar/Mechanics Checkup
Complete Editing Challenge
Review PowerPoint Slides

Chapter 3 – Composing Business Messages
Complete Chapter Review Questions
Complete Writing Improvement Exercises
Complete Grammar/Mechanics Checkup
Complete Editing Challenge
Review PowerPoint Slides

Chapter 4 – Revising Business Messages
Complete Chapter Review Questions
Complete Writing Improvement Exercises
Complete Grammar/Mechanics Checkup
Complete Editing Challenge
Review PowerPoint Slides
Module 2 Test over Chapters 2, 3, and 4

Module 3: Communicating at Work

Chapter 5 – Electronic Messages and Digital Media
Complete Chapter Review Questions
Complete Writing Improvement Exercises
Complete Grammar/Mechanics Checkup
Review PowerPoint Slides

Chapter 6 – Positive Messages
Complete Chapter Review Questions
Complete Writing Improvement Exercises
Complete Selected Activities and Cases 6.15 and 6.22
Complete Grammar/Mechanics Checkup
Complete Editing Challenge
Review PowerPoint Slides

Chapter 7 – Negative Messages
Complete Chapter Review Questions
Complete Writing Improvement Exercises
Complete Selected Activities and Cases 7.13 and 7.17
Complete Grammar/Mechanics Checkup
Review PowerPoint Slides

Chapter 8 – Persuasive Messages
Complete Chapter Review Questions
Complete Writing Improvement Exercises
omplete Writing Improvement Case 8.1
Complete Selected Activities and Cases 8.12
Complete Grammar/Mechanics Checkup
Complete Editing Challenge
Review PowerPoint Slides
Module 3 Test over Chapters 5, 6, 7, and 8

Module 4: Reports and Proposals

Chapter 9 – Informal Reports
Complete Critical Thinking Questions
Complete Chapter Review Questions
Complete Writing Improvement Exercises
Complete Selected Activities and Cases 9.2 and 9.6
Complete Grammar/Mechanics Checkup
Review PowerPoint Slides

Chapter 10 – Proposals and Formal Reports
Complete Chapter Review Questions
Complete Selected Activities and Cases 10. 1 and 10.7
Complete Grammar/Mechanics Checkup
Review PowerPoint Slides
Module 4 Test over Chapters 9 and 10

Module 5: Professionalism, Teamwork, Meetings, and Speaking Skills

Chapter 11 – Professionalism at Work: Business Etiquette, Ethics, Teamwork, and Meetings
Complete Chapter Review Questions
Complete Selected Activities and Cases 11.3 and 11.4
Complete Grammar/Mechanics Checkup
Review PowerPoint Slides

Chapter 12 – Business Presentations
Complete Chapter Review Questions
Complete Selected Activities and Cases 12.1 and 12.7
Complete Grammar/Mechanics Checkup
Review PowerPoint Slides
Module 5 Test over Chapters 11 and 12

Module 6: Employment Communication

Chapter 13 – The Job Search, Resumes, and Cover Letters
Complete Chapter Review Questions
Complete Selected Activities and Cases 13.6
Complete Grammar/Mechanics Checkup
Review PowerPoint Slides

Chapter 14 – Interviewing and Following Up
Complete Chapter Review Questions
Complete Selected Activities and Cases 14.1, 14.7, 14.12, 14.13, 14.18, and 14.20
Complete Grammar/Mechanics Checkup
Complete Editing Challenge
Review PowerPoint Slides
Post PowerPoint as multimedia activity
Module 6 Test over Chapters 13 and 14

Final Exam over All Modules (Chapters 1-14)